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Mountaineer School-Based Mental Health Fellows Program

The  Mountaineer School-Based Mental Health Fellows Program (“Mountaineer Fellow”) represents a innovative collaboration between WVU's on-campus Counseling Program and Harrison County Public Schools in West Virginia. The fellowship provides students an exceptional educational and professional experience while helping to address the critical need for mental health services in West Virginia.

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Positively impacting public schools

This program will address the youth mental health crisis and critical provider shortage with innovative in-school programming.

From my background in rural special education, we know that trauma can influence the way a child learns, interacts with peers and adults, and behaves during instructional portions of their school day. Having additional mental health professionals in the school to support students with a variety of backgrounds is amazing. I am extremely excited for the students and families in Harrison County and look forward to every step of the process that will bring about the needed support to the community.

Dr. Kim Floyd

Professor and Principal Investigator

Read More: Dr. Kim Floyd

There’s always been trauma, addiction and sadness in the lives of our children, but now there is also a growing hunger to learn how to help. It’s so rewarding in these trainings when you see the light bulb go off and you know that these participants are ready to be the difference in children’s lives across the state.

Dr. Rawn Boulden

Grant Principal Investigator and Project Director

Read More: Dr. Rawn Boulden

Helping to improve the mental health outcomes for students with projects like these is just one way that WVU is meeting its land-grant mission and working in service to the state. Our team is proud to be part of that mission.

Dr. Christine Schimmel

Co-Principal Investigator

Read More: Dr. Christine Schimmel

Read the full program announcement on WVUToday.

Student Benefits

From a scholarship exceeding $15,000 to financial support for participation in national counseling conferences, this program equips students with the resources essential for academic excellence and addressing counseling needs within West Virginia schools.

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First Year Benefits

  • $15,450 scholarship ($6,000 in fall 2024, $6,000 in spring 2025, and $3,450 in summer 2025)
  • Top-of-the-line, new laptop to use for the two years enrolled in the counseling program
  • Payment of expenses required for program completion, such as Tevera, and a two-year student membership into either the American School Counselor Association or American Counseling Association
  • Access to exclusive monthly seminars centered on topics such as evidence-based school-based mental health services, culturally responsive counseling, and rural special education, hosted by leading experts on these topics
  • Funding to attend national counseling conferences
  • Ongoing peer mentorship by doctoral-level graduate assistants

Pending good academic standing in the counseling program and fellowship, the same six students will receive the following benefits during the 2025-2026 academic year.

Fellowship Obligations

Being a Mountaineer Fellow is open to all students who want to take an opportunity to advance their careers and education while also providing a service to school communities in West Virginia in need. Students must be meet all eligibility requirements and commitments throughout their time in the program.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. Citizen (Permanent Residents are eligible)
  • Full time student in the counseling program at WVU
  • Student in good standing
  • Committed to working in school settings for field experiences (i.e., practicum and internship) and after graduation in West Virginia
View all eligibility requirements

Student Commitments

  • Maintain good standing in the counseling program
  • Attend required monthly seminars on inclusive practices
  • Participate in required program evaluations (e.g., surveys, focus groups) and recruitment events (e.g., informational sessions)
  • Complete practicum and internship in a high-need school in Harrison County, WV
  • Work in a high need school district in West Virginia for at least two years immediately following graduation as either a school counselor or school-based counselor
View all commitments

How to Apply

  1. Submit your counseling program application by the deadline (February 15, 2024).
  2. Successfully interview and be admitted into the counseling program
  3. Submit your application for the fellowship program (this supplemental application will be sent to all admitted school counseling and clinical mental health applicants).

The strongest applicants will be invited to an interview soon after being admitted into the counseling program.

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Program Contacts and Resources

Reach out to us with any questions.